Where do I start? For me Half-life 2 and both episodes have pulled me in and given me to most rewarding game play experience of all time and forever for me. I AM FREAKIN IN LOVE WITH ALYX VANCE... :)
I could play episode after episode and never get tired of them all.
PARADIGM SHIFT is not enough to say about what HL2 has done to the gaming world. I play them over and over and the mods that have come, well, that speaks for itself with the entire multiplayer all around the world.
There will always be face punch minions, regarding games. How this and that, over here and over there, but HL2 silences them a spray of "shut the f up right now"....
I love the way it pulls you in. The storyline is superior. You love the attention that ALYX gives you. You care about the bond between you and her, and when you have to leave her, you are like!@#....
You are concerned about her dad Eli, and wish you could actually meet him and have a drink with cool wise dude...
Even the scientist and the other humans you encounter along the way, you remember. The events that trigger other events are nothing short of brilliance displayed. The zombies, face huggers, the new hunters in episode 2, and the striders, you love dispatching them. I never get tired of play the hl2 games, they are the **** and everyone knows it.
There are so many times, when you just get startled, and you love it.