This is a game that like it's predicessor will go down forever in history.
Graphics: The graphics in the game set a new path for games to come. Pushing the limits of the hardware when it came out and taking the players into an almost realistic parishing metro. This game taking much longer than the scheduled release date was well worth it. The game turned out better than anyone could have expected. Definitly a mile marker in graphics that will be noted in history.
Sound: the sounds, and musics in the game make you feel as you are witnessing the end of the human race and a world in chaos. The voice acting makes you discover bonds and concerns for all the players in the game. It couldn't have been done much better by the legendary producer.
Game play: The gameplay remained relatively close to Half Life. No new grounds were broken but the gameplay remained fluid and eventful Leading from one antaginizing event to another. Forcing you to use all the skills that you can muster to complete the game and fight the forces of the combine. This game will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.
Acting/Animation: Cut's scenes are amazing and frequent it keeps you up to date in the game and make you feel as you are no longer in a game but in a movie. The acting and animation is amazingly performed and produced in blends in perfectly with the game.
Overall this is definitly one of the greatest games ever made. With many several more episodes to follow this can easily be one of the greatest series ever. Many people will come to know and love Gordon Freeman and his fight to save the human race.