Closest to being Jack Baur in a Videogame

User Rating: 9.9 | Half-Life 2 PC
Halflife 2 had some big Shoes to fill .but not only did it fill them .it showed us he had way bigger feet than the shoe can fit. This game is just Halflife with way better Visuals and awsome presentation. The Visuals in this game really immerse you in the game. It's not the looks , but the movment of the Enemys you fight and how when they get hit with Bullets or Rockets. it actually looks like they did. the Physics in this game are just amazing. the game doesn't look as good as some other titles(Anymore), but no other titles have these physics.
Imagine shooting a guys kneecap and he doesn't fall but his leg break and he falls in an angle .
When you in a room and your shooting crazy and cups and wood are flying everywhere it's really makes you feel like your there. i actually ducked one tme i shot a fuel barrel and it went over my head.

Half life has always had a good Multiplayer because of mods and here no exception with the game coming with Counter Strike Source. Day of deafeat Source is in a package you can get and recomended.

If you don't have HL2 and thinking wich male machismo FPS i'm getting then your looking at the wrong game. this is half life he's just scientist having a bad day :)