This game is not only one of the best FPS on the market, its also one of the best games on XBOX. Period.
User Rating: 9.6 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
There are many first person shooters on the market today which are worthy of a gamer's attention, especially on XBox. And then there is Half LIfe 2. This game absolutely is one of the most enjoyable experiences to date I have had in gaming. From blowing up an aerial gunship with a rocketlauncher to shotgunning zombies, this game has everything that an excellent shooter has, plus an added touch of excellent graphics thrown in with excellent gameplay. If you loved Far Cry Instincts and Halo, you will be definitely satisfied with HL2. This game rocks!! Though there was no multiplayer included with the console version, the story and gameplay quickly made me forget about it.