I strongly disappointed by its performance !

User Rating: 6.5 | Half-Life 2 PC
Right, where to start? well, your all gonna burn me for this, but i DID NOT like this game, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy...i shouldnt have to play hard mode for the difficulty to at least be slightly challenging. Then i was horrified at the gameplay itself, they introduce new features; the ability to pick up items, driveable vehicles a new squad command system even the ability to control giant insects as well as people, but it dosent feel right, the driveable hovercraft felt so incredibly out of place, it didnt feel right to be driving it not because it handled badly, just because you didnt want it to be there, subconciously you knew you hated it but couldnt explain why. Worse still are the 2 levels you spend driving it and getting off to kill, maim and crowbar things to death (its what gordon does best) but these two levels feel like the tutorial sections on games, where your getting used to the controls before the game realy starts, but thats it! it never does, i never once felt like i was into the main game. The squad command feature is good in itself but it dosent feel like part of the game, you gain the ability to control insects to attack a prison, then loose it it felt asif you were only getting a taste of the feature before you lose it permenantly. The soldiers you can command have this same effect, although being me i took the time to feel sad whenever i lost one in a fight(about every 10 seconds) They both felt like they were trial features or in beta, not because they were bugged, but because there wasnt anything there and after about a level of having each, they were gone. The whole G-Man story continues too, which i do love, ive even googled it to find out more(i love being immersed in a story) and the secrets continue to intrigue me, especially how other characters in the story know your being controlled by the G-man. The detail as well, brings half life 2 up to standard, well textured guns, armour and expressions make the characters more realistic and dramatise the story more. My final point i have to make is this: the story itself, did nobody notice there isnt one?? You wake up on a train and follow a single route through the whole game, you get no choice except occasionally you can decide weather to raid a house for supplies You have no objectives, you just continue this path, which may i add they might as well have made a rail guided shooter and saved me even bothering to walk...

Rating: 3 out of 5 (in the end my love for the original game shines through, and yes you can complain and judge me because everybody else on this planet loves this game, but i really cannot stand this and i would never tell anybody this is worth the download, let alone tell them to buy it!)