Best game ever made!

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life 2 PC
this game has everything its just hard enough to get me mad but then make up for it with many other awesome things, not only is this game the best game ever created by man it also holds one of the best game MODS ever created by man which is Garry's Mod which I'm not going to get into because that's another game but i would suggest looking it up not only does this game have some of the coolest weapons and the gravity gun which is and has been voted the best weapon in game history at least from what I've seen 3 times now it also holds many other fun weapons like the physics gun which you get later on in the game, the RPG that follows your crosshair, the pulse rifle that comes with combine balls that bounce all over the place and a very epic character that could so easily beat Mario, Link and even Master Chief easily