This game has all it takes to be a great game but it has its short comingsThis review will state why to buy it & why not
The single player is just plain awesome.You play as Gordon Freeman,still working for the G-man,no matter what he says to do.This game has plenty of awesome battle sequences.However there is no cutscenes or cinematics in the game which is cool because you live through this game however this game suffers from an erratic frame rate whenever too much action appears on the screen.The story also drops you with too many questions.The gameplay was a big surprize the transition from kyboard and mouse is barely ever smooth but this is on of those exceptions.The audio is pretty good but messes up alot when huge battles go on.
This game has a must play single player,but however without any kind of multiplayer even splitscreen,this game is really just a rent.Not even if you played the PC version because there is nothing added so stick with the superior PC version.For those that don't have a good PC,definetly rent this game.