A real technical insight, even though the game engine is a year old, the graphics are superb backed up by nice physics.

User Rating: 9.2 | Half-Life 2 PC
Sequel to one of the best cinematic games of the late 90's. The improved Quake III engine Valve utilized for Half Life is still critically acclaimed, but now, the new Half Life 2 engine, Source, sets another amazing technical standpoint in the first person genre. Although not as groundbreaking or revolutionary as it's predessesor, Half Life 2 is still one of the most anticipated games of 2003 and 2004. Although the game was delayed quite a few times during it's production at Valve, it still stands out as a remarkable game itself and a great succesor of it's previous generation. And as we see in this game, technology has change during the 6 years Valve put into this project. The engine is, like I said, superb. Blending it into the game engine quite well, with little flaws. The multiplayer portion still can be improved, but with the single-player and multi-player, it really comes out to becoming a great, great game. So buy it, with Valve's distrabution program, Steam.