uggh this is such a bad game. NO NEW WEAPONS!!!

User Rating: 5.9 | Half-Life: Blue Shift PC
Most sequels i play i expect there to more weapons but this game didnt include any new weapons. Also this expansion came out after opposing it should introduce something new. This time you are in the shoes of a secrurity guard at black mesa. Which i find very boring.
Gameplay 6/10
I hate the 10 min train ride and seeing the g-man. It happens in all of the half life game....This game is like half life 1 almost exactly.
Graphics 8/10
This game suppositly has revamped graphics but i really dont see a difference.
Valye 8/10
There is like no replay value but this game comes free with a half life bundle pack.
Reviewers tilt 4/10
I really did not enjoy this game mostly because of the the lack of new weapons.