Half life review.
User Rating: 5.8 | Half-Life PC
Half life revolutionary hardly this is one of those games that is so impressive in the first 10 minutes but fails to shine in most areas. considering i score this game so low im going to review this game a little simply. the graphics were brilliant the best of there time but that cant hide the fact that half life has weak gameplay you jump to a ledge shoot a bug watch a non interactive set piece then witness some brilliant AI and get killed but later find out it was all scripted and the next time you'll say right this time i'll dodge the grenade that the guards allways fire then i'll press that button to kill the boss sounds exiteing doesent it. luckily half life has some good points the weapons all have great kick behind them and a shotgun that feels like a rocket launcher but everytime you find something good it throws another bad moment at you like the story for instance its completely worthless you run through the game with the motivation that your stuck in a lab thats had a temporal flux? and bug aliens called the xen have come through and want to destroy us all combined with characters you will mainly use as cover from the enemy or whack them in the face with a crowbar before they have finished what they have to say just makes half life an average game that you will only remember because of the hype.