User Rating: 9.3 | Half-Life PC
Half Life is a game that can be whole-heartedly called as a masterpiece because it has achieved the things that can be done by a very few.It helped to set a trend of First person shooting that is even lasting today.

The First Person Shooting completely absorbs the boring so-called things.In fact it creates loads of high intensity packed moments.Gordon Freeman may be a research scientist but he fights like some invincible superhero.As said by Gamespot,that there are a one or two problems that can be noted in this game.The scientists the soldier grunts all look like they are just been released from some cloning machine.Another huge problem is the boring time in some of the final levels of the game.After you enter Xen the whole excitement simply drops down to zero.Jumping and jumping it becomes like an action super mario game.Even the 15th(Gonarch`s Lair)and 16th(The Interloper)simply bore you out till hell!
Well whatever it may be it is still a game to be played and honestly be really enjoyed.
