A classic FPS now for the PS2
Half Life was one of THE defining FPS titles at its time. Of course there was Goldeneye, but around the time of Half-Life, Goldeneye became somewhat of a new boredom. Gamers wanted a new FPS, and Valve delivered Half-Life. Now at the time, not everyone had the money for a decent computer to play this game smoothly. So to say that this game was instantly loved could only be based on a biased opinion. Around the time that it hit PS2, X-Box had come about with Halo and completely obliterated any gaming competition for quite some time. I think that was the reason Half-Life was largely overlooked and wasn't a huge hit for the PS2. Nevertheless, it's still an awesome game in my book.
Gameplay: 9
It's Half -Life...one of the kings of FPS. There's no question about the gameplay because it's obviously awesome. However, the PS2 version tried to incorporate a co-op mode with a completely different story. This just didn't appeal to me, and I have yet to hear anyone suggest playing through it. I tried to get a friend of mine to play with me just so I could know the story, but he found it repulsive. I would say the co-op mode is the only aspect of this game's gameplay not being perfect.
Graphics: 8
One thing you must understand about Half-Life...it was released before Unreal Tournament, Halo, Max Payne, etc. So it needs leway to work with. For the time that it was released, It was a graphical leap...honestly. While not perfect...the graphics definately fit the game.
Sound: 7
I'm a big sound critic. It could just be that I'm really picky when it comes to sound, but I felt that this was the game's weakest aspect. Again, the time must be considered, but still...the robotic male voice that comes on in some corridors still drives me nuts. Some of the explosions and gun blast also sound waaaay too gritty for me. As far as the music goes. I felt that the score was pretty cool, but there could have been more music to the game. Maybe stick in some ambient music here and there for the quiet parts. Or keep the fast paced techno going for a bit longer...i dunno. There just felt like a lack of music.
Value: 10
This game is definately worth the money to buy. It's a classic title, and it's fun to play over and over again just for the heck of it. The co-op mode really does nothing for it, but if you're a die hard fan...then go fer it.
Tilt: 9
I know I gave the game an 8.8 rating, but I tend to round up anyway. This game is nowhere near perfect...but please give it a chance. It was once the game of the year, and it wasn't awarded that title for nothing.