I didn't think it was possible to have a better game than Half-Life but Opposing Force is just as good.

User Rating: 9.8 | Half-Life: Opposing Force PC
After Blue Shift came out i'm sure everyone said "well the Half-Life series had better put together somthing a whole lot better than that to stay in buissness". And guess what... thay did. Most people i've talked to about blue shift thought it sucked and i'm sure you did too. That's why they created a better game in the same series. In Opposing Force you can finally play as a marine and try to track down Gorden Freeman. I think the best part of this game is you here some of the same sentences as the first one. For example in the 1st one when your stuck in a cllapsing room you here a radio saying something along the lines of "Freeman got trapped under the collapsing bulding he is definatly dead." And when you are a marine your friend says that over the radio next to you. Another great part of this game is you can have a medic, an engineer, and a regular soldier on your team. In conclusion this game is almost as good as the original if not as good.