I bought my first Copy of HalfLife almost 9 years ago. It's better today for many reasons. When you buy HL you get about 8 games and CS and TFC can keep you BZ for months if you never played it for $20. i still play it and if my PC couldn't run HL2 or BF2 i would be playing BF1942 and Halflife's mods. If you never played HL and have PC you really should invest 20 on this title. Don't think cause it's old no one is playing it. as of yesterday
152 Team Fortress servers over 500 Counter strike servers. it's still got 1 or 2 years left of online Multiplayer.
Gameplay: 10 Graphics: 9 Storyline: 10 Sounds: 10 Multiplayer: - Impression: 10 Score: 9.8 GS Score: 10 *Because I played only a bit of its multiplayer, I won't be bothering giving a score for the multiplayer... Read Full Review
These days, first person shooters clutter the gaming world with unoriginal gameplay and very thin storylines. The announcement or release of a FPS is generally met with the words "Ugh... Not again!" by the gaming commun... Read Full Review