One of the best of its time and still a great shooter today.

User Rating: 8.8 | Half-Life PC
I was a little jaded when I played through this game because I first played half life 2 on xbox and episode 1 on PC so I came into the original half life thinking for some reason that the graphics would be up to date, etc. But after I got over the bad graphics (by today's standards. Back then I'm sure they were good) I quickly found that Half Life is still a great shooter even by today's standards. The gamplay is great and the action is awesome. I absolutely loved Half LIfe 2, it is one of the best games ever, and now I am glad I played through the father of the series because it is interesting to see how the story unfolds. Don't come into this game thinking that it will blow your mind graphically or with sound because by today's standards it won't. Just remember that this game is old school yet it is still an awesome game to play, and is well worth the low price tag. If only they could remake the game with today's visuals and sound..... it would be phenomenal. O well.