halo 2 is great but...

User Rating: 9.6 | Halo 2 XBOX
i loved this game to death. beter than the first although not as big. the main story is way fun except i think that the 1st old mombassa level shown in the e3 demo looked more fun. the multiplayer and live is were it realy shines out like the sun. the levels range from small (midship) to large (water works). the weapons are a blast to use esp. the sword because you can go on rampages then get stuck with a plasma nade and charge the guy that threw it and take him with you. the banshee in multi player is fun because in halo one you only get it on one level if ur fast enough. veterans of the pc version of halo will know how anoying shees are when playin ctf you escape in a hog and boom a shee blast you with the bomb and kills you on the spot not in halo 2. the rocket launchers good because you don't have to be at point blank to use it on a hog or ghost lock on and blast them. guass hog is fun so is the wraith tank. the amount of game variants is almost endless and usauly all are fun. there is some things Bungie could have taken from and left in the game to make it better but nothing is perfect and halo 2 is about as close as you can get to the perfect game next to golden eye 007