What's to say? There's cooler weapons, badder baddies and more intense action. It's Halo 2, it's great!

User Rating: 9.3 | Halo 2 XBOX
If you read my review on the first Halo, you'll notice that I wouldn't consider myself a huge first person shooter fan. I've liked them, but they're not my typical favorites. That being said, there are no games quite like Halo and Halo 2. As good as Halo is, Halo too is just as good and better in some ways. It's not revolutionary like the first one was, but it's the logical next step. Graphically, the game continues to excel. The graphics are so well done and the entire atmosphere with the sound and music is so emmerisive, it's scary. As good as the first title was, Halo 2 is just as good. I'm so impressed, even with the original, in how you can be thrown into this story and be made to feel completely part of it. The attention to detail is fantastic which makes it so much fun to look at you can almost miss the action. As for the gameplay, Halo 2 is just wonder to behold. The introduction of a second hand weapon was a great idea and the most revolutionary element to Halo 2. It's crazy to be holding two monster weapons and the destruction you can have with them. Especially in multi-player mode, it's just that much more fun than the first one. The movements and controls are extremely well done and even the brief (very brief) pauses to load the next scenario allow the game to continue to flow. I haven't made it too far into the world yet, but it's just fantastic so far. It seems that both Halo and Halo 2 continue to get nothing but praise. Well, I'm not just one of the crowd, I honestly say how I feel about a game (if you don't believe me, read my review on GTA). I can honestly say that Halo 2 is a great game for anyone who loves games, even if it's not your genre.