Highly- addictive, explosive, exciting, distracting, unpredictible... A MUST OWN!
What am I saying? You should know all this....
What can i say about halo that hasnt already been said? This game is incredible and if you dont have it by now what the hell are you doing reading this???
When I got this game I didnt own nor had I ever played Halo but everyone was abuzz with how incredible it was. I brought it home popped it in and I havent been able to stop playing... for a year and a half... I dont know how anyone doesnt own this game yet. i've managed to pry myself away from this game for only short periods of time without going back and replaying it. I must have beaten story mode 40 times on each difficulty. When you play it you'll notice it's campaign is a little short but still worth every penny.
The experience is applified 100 fold on multiplayer and Xbox live. (something Halo didnt have) In multiplayer you can have a co-op campaign and play through the story with friends. on Xbox Live you can play against armies of up to 8 people per team or just go nuts on free for all!
Well that's all you need to know now go play the game!