Decent single player(not as good as Halo CE) but astounding multiplayer. One of the best multiplayer games I ever played

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 is a sequal to the game Halo Combat Evolve. After Master Chief and Cortana destroyed Halo, the Covenants is seeking revenge. What do they do about it they attack Earth. In this game there is a few changes from the first Halo game. One change is that you don' t have an health bar, you only have a shield. If your shield is depleted you need to find cover and wait until your shield recharges. You can die really quickly sense you really don't have that much health when your shield depleted. So it is a matter of life or death if your shield depleted in an open battlefield. Another change is that you get to highjack vehicles from your enemies. By just pressing the X button, you can take over the enemies' vehicles. You need to be near the vehicles from the right position to do this. There are new vehicles, weapons, and enemies in this game. If you liked some of the old weapons, then this might dissapoint you because some were taken out and renewed. The pistol, machingun, and the shotgun was all looks different now. There is also new weapons such as BR55 rifle, which is an auto-matic scope rifle. One of the most famous new weapon is the Covenant Energy sword. Buy pressing the R trigger or B you can slash you enemy in a criticle blow. There is more weapons by the way, but I rather not spoil it all. Some of the new vehicles are the M12G1 Warhog LAAV, which is a standerd Warhog equiped with a Gauss Cannon. Another new vehicles is called a Spectre, just like the Warhog, but it hovers and have a plasma gun, and there is more vehicles. All the old vehicles such as the Scorpion Tank is also back from the original Halo. Some of the new enemies is this alien race called the Brutes, Drones, and Prophets. If you want this game for only the campaign then you it might not be worth depending on how much you want to play the campaign. There is epic moments in this game which makes the campaign worth playing. The campaign of this game is short, which could take you less then 10 hours to beat, which for me took me 2-3 days to beat. With an excellent story, but what really dissapoint people about the story is the ending. It leaves you off in a cliff hanging story situation which leaves a lot of questions, which is to be decided in Halo 3. You can also play through the campaign with your friend in co-op mode. What really got the attention in this game is the multiplayer. You can play split-screen, system link, or Xbox Live. System link and Xbox live can be played up to 16 players at once. In Xbox Live there is so much things to do, which can keep you busy for a long time. First off is your profile. You get to customize your layout, and your overall character. You get to choose a vereity of colors and icons for your character. You can even choose if you want to be a Spartan or a Elite Covenant. There is a tons of options to do in Xbox live. You can talk to other player in Xbox live or system link to so you can perform stradegies for your team mates. The voice thing also allows you to just regularly chat or just trash talk. You can customize the match you want to play, like which game mode you want to play in. This leaves you with tons of option and each match you're going to play will be different then the other. You have a friend list which lets you see the list of players you lately been playing against. You can make a party to play which lets you play against your friends or other players you just met. You can add up to 100 players to your friend list and also send voice messages, send a party invite, or remove a friend from your list. You can also make a clan which is a semi-permanent organization of Halo 2 players on Xbox live. Each clan can have up to 100 players. You can only have one permanent clan. If you ever want to see your states to see how good you're doing in Xbox live, there is a status chart which you can see in. This way you can compare yourself you other players from all around the world. There is up to 11 maps in the game and 9 more you can download out of Xbox Live. You can also download new items, weapons,, vehicles, or missions. The graphics is this game made an major improvement from the last Halo. With much more details on the enviroments and the characters it is one of the best graphics you can see on the Xbox. The cutscence sometimes get a little mess up though. The audio in this game is amazing. The weapons has a real feel to them. The voice acting and dialouge is perfect, and the music is what make this game beautiful. The music is what adds on to those epic moments which makes it all worth playing through. Overall, this game is a must have if you have Xbox Live or if you like a good first-person shooter. If you have Xbox Live, get this game, there is many people still playing today, and it will keep you busy for a long time.