My favorite game!

User Rating: 9.8 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 is plain amazing to me! It's fun it's got good graphics and in my opinion it never gets old. I love it to death. It even has a DVD series running behind it! Rooster Teeth's Red vs. Blue. Also my favorite DVD's and the reason they call me Tex. I'm a Halo obsessed girl! && I could sit in front of the TV for hours owning my fella's at this game. It's bomb...straight up. I reccomend it! It has everything needed to make a good game! It is highly addictive ( as you can see from my review ). But in a good way. I started playing Halo when I was just a little gal... And still play to this day. I mean that has to say something about the game, right? It's just all around great. It's fun. And I love it!