Halo 2 fails to beat its prequil but still is a fun game that is worth owning for anyone with an XBox

User Rating: 7.9 | Halo 2 XBOX
When compared to the original Halo's single player mode, Halo 2's campaign is at first absolutely incredible. The action in the first few levels in unbelievable, the environments are huge and gorgeous, and very fun to fight in. Fighting through tunnels and highways vehicle to vehicle is great and the new weapons, and vehicles add a lot to the experience. That is untill the game stops being cool, right about the time when its decided that you should go through the same cramped corridors over and over again. Its like every level is the Truth and Reconcilliation interior from the first game. You'll find cool bits here and there but it doesnt match the experience you had in Halo 1. The ending is unsatisfying but not really a problem. Multiplayer is hailed as THE greatest console multiplayer game, it is and it isnt. The interface, matchmaking, and community options make it a fun time to be had with friends as long as you arent taking it too serious. The gameplay itself though is not so much skill as luck. Whoever has the better weapons and shoots first gets the kill. there is an ammount of skill to be factored but not so much as better online games like Pandora Tomorrow. The team games can be either way, either really fun when your group is tight and co-ordinated and good. Or crap when the whole luck factor comes into play or when you are with random strangers. Also unlike games like Splinter Cell you'll find that the people playing the game overall are immature idiots. Graphics and Sound are good, not amazing but pretty good. Overall Halo 2 is a decent package that fans of the first should really buy.