Best XBox and Console Game Ever.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 2 XBOX
halo 2 is better, badder and crazzier than halo and has become on the the most, popular, if not most popular game ever. following the story of halo, halo 2 finally gives you the chance to duel-wield weapons and use the mighty energy sword. featuring stronger armor and faster movement, master chief is better than ever. although he can't jump as high. another great addition is its record-breaking xbox live multiplayer. used by countless numbers of fans and fanatics. the multiplayer has become has as popular as the series its self. bungi games has once again shown its potential and microsoft has outdone sony yet again. Even in tbe modern day of 360 gaming. those who cant affored its high price still have Halo 2 and its Predesesor to keep the company on the original xbox system. It still rakes in thousands of Online match playing and even some Campaign addicts each moonth on and it shows no signes of changing.