This is a awesome game and a sequel to i beleive 1 of the best games ever. This game yes has a dissapointing story line in the end and left me hanging to. But I played this game for my xbox 360 last month and beat the campaign on heroic because legendary was to hard. And i dont have to wait that long for halo3 and halo wars it jus around the corne. But at least this game had online play. This game was another of Bungie's and Microsofts masterpeice.And is also like halo 1, oneof my favourite games ever. Mostly because of the magnificent story but not the ending. And the sound track was truly a masterpiece for years to come.
By Madskillz999 | Review Date: Dec 23, 2005 | XBOX
I'm finally ready with the review of this awesome game! First off, this is obviously the sequel to the hugely popular initial Halo game. You are Master Chief, a space marine who is sent out to battle the enemies. You... Read Full Review
Halo 2 is a worthy sequel to Halo. While the story does lack in some parts, overall, the game is still excellent, one of the best games ever. To get the bad points out of the way, i didn't like the single player campaig... Read Full Review