This is one of the best games ever made

User Rating: 9.7 | Halo 2 XBOX
I am not a big Halo fan. But even I can't deny that this game set the bar for all other first-person shooters. My personal favorite part of this game is the online play. This is one of the best FPS games out there. The ending was the only bad part. I guess they were trying to make a cliffhanger, but they failed miserably. My friend thought that his disk was messed up. He played the last level eight times. Because he knew that the ending had to be better than that. He was wrong. If you can get to xbox live, do it. It's the best way to play Halo 2. I like finding glicthes and I only play snipers because it's the only game that I'm good at. Just because I know all the hiding spots on Headlong. But, enough about me. On to Halo 2. Actually, there's nothing left for me to say......