Ehhhh it was a good try.

User Rating: 8.8 | Halo 2 XBOX
Well Halo 2 is a good game, but there is much to be added to make it just like Halo CE.
The gameplay in halo 2 is alright, I liked the storyline in it, especially now that you get more involved with the covenant (SP?) The campaign is disapointingly short, but campaign isnt even half of halo 2. Where halo 2 shines is in its multiplayer. You can customize your character from a spartan (master chief) to an elite, and change the colors.

The sound in halo 2 is pretty good. The guns have different sounds and thats a nice thing. The death cries of enemies is satisfying to hear especially in the harder difficulties.

What I also didnt like in halo 2 was that one of the new enemies, the drone was not really used. In some stages they appeared, but they were easily swatted away. Hopefully in halo 3 they will be used more efficiently and maybe smarter.