GREAT GAME! Who ever says this game sux is obvioustly not taking alot into consideration.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 2 XBOX
Honestly now, lets take a look at some very "key" things here. First of, and what i think people are talking that most about. Repeditive gameplay, well to put it out ther plain and simple, all games have limits. but Halo 2 takes the limits to the next level, not only with the ability to cary multiple weapons "witch most games do" but increasing the posabilities of combinations with DUEL WIELDING weapons. Also the maps in multiplayer as well as in single player are hella complex when yuu put then next to your average first person shootem up. And then you got your ability to use stratagies so complex and uniqe not only in DM but in objective matches also. Sratagies that involve anything from coordinated level based tactics to tactical jumps and manuvers and using the maps and your teamates. YOU CANT TELL ME IS ISNT PIMP WHEN YOU USE YOUR FRIENDS HEAD AS A LADDER lol.

The second thing that i'de like to address is graphics. Every review i read it seams like people just keep cutting down the graphics in Halo 2. For all those people out ther, I got just a few words for you. The xbox video card is basically a tweaked version of the Geforce 3 graphics card. In my honest opinion i think they did an outstanding job working with a console and not a pc. Its a fact that everybody knows, pc games are simply just well better.
consoles are non upgradable.

The third thing that just bugs the hack out of me is when people write a review about Halo 2 and say that the single player action is just to short.
I got another siumple answer for that one to, try stepin it up a little bit and put it on legendary. i dont think youde be complaning if you did that.
When you paly a game youwant a challenge rite? well the Legendary mode in Halo was no joke. I believe that the Legendary mode in the original is about equal to the Heroic mode in Halo 2, witch leaves plenty of room to get better at Halo 2.

The last thing that ide like to post is this, for all you gamers out ther that keep knocking Halo 2, i tell you this much, by the look of Halo 2 sales and the number of xbox live players on Halo 2, your not hurting one thing by posting bad reviews because people keep buying the game and people keep playing it online. The Halo series is not done and wont be for a long while. So keep wasting your time posting bad reviews against it. You dont apeal to the general public.

Thanks to everyone who spent ther time reading this review. If i change one persons mind about Halo 2, im happy.
Please post back and let me know your thaughts toword Halo 2.

go to sleep.