The sequel to the game that sold Xbox systems.
This game really was a graphics standout when it came out. it pushed the original Xbox to its limits. I don't think there was a better looking game at the time for consoles in my opinion. This isn't to say it didn't have its share of problems. Indeed it had its share of texture pop in and frame rate issues, probably a result of pushing the Xbox too far.
The soundtrack is generally the same as the one from the original Halo, but with a bit more rock music. I didn't really notice any improvement in terms of sound effects from the last game. Not exactly revolutionary, but still good.
The campaign is pretty short, a main complaint of fans including myself. Many people complaining bout the ending, but i think its fine, it leaves you wanting more. There's actually some pretty good plot twists in the story this time around, although nothing quite as big as the introduction of the flood. A cool thing they added this time around is the introduction of the arbiter, a hardcore Elite executioner. You can also use Elite swords now, which are awesome. They got a rid of a couple old weapons from Halo: Combat Evolved, but have also added some news ones, trying to make them more balanced. You can also now dual wield smaller one handed weapons. What really added tot he game this time around is the online multi-player. People are still playing years after the game has been released. Its definitely a great online shooter experience that adds a lot of replay-ability.
A very awesome game with balanced weapons and vehicles, a good but short campaign, and groundbreaking graphics. This is a game to be experienced.