Halo 2 fails miserably in its attempt at a sequel...

User Rating: 3.1 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 was in development for a long time. Then it got delayed and was in development even longer. You'd think that Bungie would have been able to back up the hype after all that time. Unfortunately, they can't.
Simply put, Halo 2 was a dissapointment.

For fans of the original Halo
(true fans, like myself, not people that just like the game for it's multiplayer capability.)
this game sounded great. The trailers were impressive and everyone was excitied to hear that the Master Cheif would be coming back with more weapons, new levels, improved AI, detailed graphics, and a new physics engine.
So, how did Halo 2 fail? Let's look at the highlights:

More Weapons: Although there are many more weapons than Combat Evolved (CE), they are hardly original. For an example we now have a covanent sniper rifle, the only difference between this and the human SR are the following: it shoots a stream of purple light instead of smoke. It looks covanent-ish. And that's it. It still has the same shot/kill ratio, the same ammount of bullets, and the same zoom capability.

Another such weapon is the covanent bazooka, and the covanent carbine. They both have the same differences and similarities as described above.
New Levels: Okay, this one's a joke. There are some new levels at first while playing on the human side (a stupid mistake detailed later.) but after a while, the good ol' humans and covanent find themselves on another Halo ("Delta" Halo) and they not only let the flood out, again, but you also end up playing that enourmously fun level, The Library, all over again. Joy.
Improved AI: Oh yes, now you can swap guns with the marines/covanent forces...

Detailed Graphics: Ahhh. The fabled "Bump Mapping", this new graphic engine allows for more detail since only where you are looking has the objects loaded. Thus allowing for wonderful surprises like the master cheif popping up out of nowhere in a cinematic, and marines, vehicals, objects, and etc. also "blipping" in a few seconds after you turn around.
New Physics Engine: Havoc, they call it. I call it "Rag Doll Physics Nick-Named 'Havok'. " Nothing special to see here except that now when Master Chief dies, he has invertable joints.
Ok, now let's get into the rating:

Gameplay: 3
Why: Because most of the levels I've played before. (Library) Also because dual weilding adds some value to the game but the dummbed down weapons and covanent likenesses take away any credibility the gamepley had. Also, throwing grenades are now a chore, as is getting into vehicals. (Hold X now instead of tapping it.) This may be small but it still provides frusterating situations. Some instances the game almost seems surreal, for example, you're driving a cripled vehical and it's being shot at from all sides yet it doesn't blow up. Only once your character dies does it finally explode. Nor only this but every once in a while the campaign switches sides. At some times you play as the Master Chiefs, at others you play as the covanent "arbitor" which makes absolutely no sense. I was also not impressed with the new graphics engine which made the game play like a half-finished product.

Graphics: 6
Why: Definately an improvement except for the "blipping" objects. I also like mastercheifs new armor suit... oh yes, and cortana also looks different... and the character models look like they have styrofoam faces... and their fingers look too stiff... and the grunts now come in assorted No-Helmet varieties... and the hunters look like their armor is too tight so they have to stretch too tall... you know what, I give the graphics a four.

Sound: 4
Why: Because not all the sounds are the same. The covanent all sound a bit different. The elites don't even speak in their alien tongues, they apparently learnt english. The explosions and firing sounds also have something wrong with them, they sound fuzzy at times.

Value: 4
Why: Becuase this game is a great multiplayer tool. Should you have X-Box live you can be in for some exciting matches. Unfortunately, these matches can easily be outdone by games such as Star Wars Battlefront 1&2 and Battlefield 2. Simply put, there is no real reason to get Halo 2. Anyhting it has done, other games do better.

Reviewer's Tilt: 2
Why: Well, I'm assuming that reviewer's tilt is my own value I've put on the game. Or something like that. Anyhow, I'll simply sum the game up:

The Good:
Massive online multiplayer, 32 players per side should you have X-Box live. Relatively improved graphics. New storyline.

The Bad:
Some levels from CE make a second appearance (The Library). Dumbed down weapons and covanent versions of human weapons make for a ridiculous arsenal. The Flood Are Back! You play as the covanent.
Sgt. Johnson is invincible. Elites now speak english.

The Ugly:
Graphics engine allows for cinematics with no objects/people in them for a second before they "blip" in. Remember that awesome Halo 2 in-game demo that lasted 8 mins? It's not in the game...

Halo 2 fails aweful miserably. The game itself is a joke.
Do Not Beleive The Hype.