if you have xbox Live, you have no excuse for not owning this.

User Rating: 9.6 | Halo 2 XBOX
I had this game before I had xbox Live. I played it for a while, took it out of the disk tray and popped Ninja Gaiden back in. I hated it. I even tried multiplayer, but found that there were no bots. Then, about 8 months ago, I got Live. From that day, no game I own has ever got as much playing time as Halo 2. I have owned a lot of shooters, from Unreal Championship to Red Faction, but THIS is what gaming is all about. There is absolutely nothing like Halo 2 online. NOTHING. The customisation options, the rankings, the excellent balance between weapons. You can really tell that what time was taken out of the development of the single player game has been put back into the development of the multiplayer game.
I might be making this out to be perfect. Well, it's not-far from perfect, in fact. The single player mode is awful, with a stupid storyline and just plain boring action. But whatever bad things I would have to say about that would be forgotten when I play on Live. I mean, let's face it. Xbox isn't half the machine it would be without Live. when i got it on Christmas day I was a bit disappointed to say the least-my Live wouldn't work and most of the games that I wanted were heavily focussed on the ability to play online. So, when I got my big old breeze block hooked up to the net, I was overjoyed. I thought about how many games would be better on Live. Unfortunately, these games didn't get a chance, because all my days were spent on Halo 2, trying to get into double figures on ranked matches. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that good. I have had Live for a while now and I am still hoverring over level 20. However, even though many people who play Halo 2 are crazy people who will talk about shooting you in real life for picking up the sniper, the custom games are for those who just want to play for fun. There are so many options-the scope for enjoyment truly is limitless. I could spend days trying to make a custom game perfect, which is just one of the many things that makes Halo 2 not exactly perfect... but damn close!