Good game buy it even if you don't even know halo

User Rating: 9.8 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 is a GREAT first person shooter and there is no doubt about it. It has very few glitches and the game play is pretty smooth. Also the story is good and fits well with the Halo 1 storyline and the Online is AWESOME and works fine. After all this being said there isn’t a lot you can complain about but there just 1 little problem that Bungie should fix it’s the difficulty setting’s like if you play on Easy it’s like easy you play on normal it’s how it’s supposed to be but as soon as you put the difficulty to hard it just gets nearly IMPOSSIBLE to beat it maybe the first few levels you might be able to beat but after that the rest of the leaves are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to beat if Bungie fixed that this game would be PERFECT.