A horribly overrated game but solid game that shows its real worth only in large multiplayer games.

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
Allow me to start off saying this-- get a group a eight friends together, link up two Xbox's, pop in Halo 2, and you'll have a seriously fun time. And to continue-- sit alone on your couch at midnight, plug in your Xbox, pop in Halo 2, and... you'll be a bit bored. I'll say it straight. Halo 2 has very nice production values, boasting slick graphics and sound, but a pretty horrid single player campaign makes it hard to enjoy without a group of friends. The story is just plain awful, AI is as terrible as usually, and there's nothing really to compell you forward. In the wake of games like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 it's hard to even take Halo 2 as a serious FPS contender.

Verdict: Good, but not great. Horribly overrated.
