This game is better than i thought it would be.I really thought the 1st one would be better.

User Rating: 9.8 | Halo 2 XBOX
This game was just plain awesome.I really hope that halo 3 will have the same type of game play.Also theres so many things to do and things to find its like the game never ends.Multiplayer the best thing in the game.When theres 16 people it gets crazy.Those people are so good at the game they kill 50 people and never die once.But some people are potty mouth sore losers who are really annoying.Some people cheat not like codes but glitches.The only bad is its a short game and the ending isnt to good.Last thing the new weepons are the best like the sword or the ummm what do you call it the thing hunters have.But there not in multiplayer.This was the best ive played for sure on the xbox.