A great game when originally released, now its age shows
First, I'd like to make a note about system requirements. This game does require Window's Vista, but this isn't a review of Windows Vista. If you don't have Windows Vista you can't play this game! As for system requirements, this game runs really well on my Pentium D system with 2GBs of RAM. I only have a 7600GS 256MB video card. Of course I'm restricted to the lowest resolution (800x600) to get the performance I need, but on my old 19" CRT Monitor that is just fine.
The single player campaign is very fun on Halo 2. One thing to note is that there is no 2 player co-op like there was on the console. Otherwise the experience is largely the same. Halo 2 has a pretty punishing difficulty especially on the harder modes. One thing that is particularly frustrating though is the level design. There are holes in the floors and ledges that you can just walk off of resulting in an instant death. Even with these problems, the game manages to squeeze in a lot of fun. The story is pretty involving on this game and adds to the motivation. The classic Halo formula works here too. Although, with the harder difficulties you'll find you'll have to be much more tactical instead of just running and gunning. However, should you win you'll feel like you've really accomplished something.
The multiplayer component is pretty good too. Halo 2 PC uses the Games for Windows Live service. Which means you'll have to sign up for a windows live account (hotmail) if you don't have one. You can play online for free, but some options are left out (there are Gold exclusive games, but not many people play them). If you already have an Xbox Live account, like I do, then you can use that and still talk to your friends from Xbox Live. The game uses a lobby system opposed to the Matchmaking system of the console version. It works well and makes it easy to pick the specific game type you want; deathmatch (slayer), team deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, oddball. There are still plenty of people playing as of the witting of this review, but not as many as on the console version. The game has plenty of maps built in and also includes a map maker so there is more than enough content. The game supports voice chat, but you can still chat with the keyboard. Multiplayer is very fun and is one of the things that sold the game so well originally. Its still good, but there are some better newer options out there now.
With the delayed release of the PC version of this game, it might have just missed its core audience. Compared to most game released today it could definitely use a graphical update. The surprising thing is how well everything else holds together. The campaign and multiplayer are still great. If you're curious about the Halo Franchise this is good place to get an introduction, and if you're a fan of Sci-Fi shooters at all, I'm sure you'll find something to enjoy in this game.