User Rating: 9.3 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 is the best game I have ever played. It has great graphics, a lot of diFFERENT guns and a great story line. I also like the detail that you get to shoot a lot of differnt enemies.

I didn't get the chance to play the fist Halo, but I hear Halo 2 is alot better. I don't care how good or bad Halo1 was, Halo 2 is probably better. This game includes walking, running, driving, flying, and alot of other transportation systems. Another cool part about this game is that don't only have to be Master Chief. You get the oppurtunity to play as the villains as well as the good guys. The game ends with a breath taking finish as Master Chief is seen jumping out of a ship into space. After you see that, turn the xbox off because the credits tafe forever. Make sure the game is saved and FYI, it takes a lot of people to make such a good game.

I can't wait until the release of Halo 3. it's gonna be hard to live up to the expectation of improving Halo 2 but I'm looking forward to it and I think Bungie can do it!