well hello chief. how the heck r ya? where ya been? oh u have a new game? well how could it top the last....holy $%^&amp

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
it does everything better...put simply it improved everything from halo combat evolved. and at that time, no one, believed halo could ever be de-throned...ever. and yet. the storyline comes up a lil less meaty than the first time around, but you spend so much more time getting shot in the a$$ u don't really notice. the arbiter and covenant pov given this time around really add to the depth and complexity of the world, and you even get the feeling that the franchise itself has evolved. this is the first game i ever played thru entirely in coop. and thank god i did. i have no idea how we could have survived solo. the multiplayer is of course where halo 2 really shines, and the dual wielding rocks but, the predaliction is more towards using two weapons for effect than using the granades or melee attack. i understand why they did this in design, but it stunts the multiplayer changing into something i don't think bungie intended.

that said, it's still fun as hell and even all these years later still holds up even against 360 graphics. it's worth every fans time to give it another go before 3 hits us like a covenant banshee from outta nowehere after you just overheated yer plasma rifles. so scream holy #$%@! and get to playing peeps.