Mild Single Player, Addictive Online Play!!!

User Rating: 9.3 | Halo 2 XBOX
When I played the Single-Player mode, I originally thought that this acclaimed Blockbuster was just a mild sequel. But when I tried out the online matchmade mode, that's when I finally decided to live my entire gaming livelihood on Halo 2. Ahhhhhhhhh yes, the memories are so fond. Being part of a 4-16 militia, gaining (and yuk, losing) levels, meeting familiar acquaintances, even screwing around with custom matches. This IS what XBox Live was made for!!! (and the only reason why I play with XBox on a constant basis). If you want some advice with Halo 2, listen up: Get the Game, then GET XBOX LIVE!!! It's the only thing that will make you play the game way after you beat (or get tired of) single player.