This is an interesting game. And i had a good time exploring and trying to figure out how to perfect my game. Great Game

User Rating: 9 | Halo 2 XBOX
This game blew my mind. When i first played i thought it was just one of those Humans vs Aliens game. But, i soon found out that is more then that. Personally, i belie that this game is one of the best games i have ever played. And the Multilayer is really good too. And for players out there who like to get a little trigger happy you'll love the awesome guns they have ( ME!)
The Alien guns are very advanced. But the human guns are really cool!
But, anyways the story line is very effective. And even if your not a player who loves guns. There's a good chance you wil still enjoy the game. When you play it on xbox LIVE it makes the adventure even more fun.