Way to different from Halo...

User Rating: 7.2 | Halo 2 XBOX
Halo 2 was one of the most anticipated games of 2004. But when it came out some people couldnt have helped but be dissapointed in the short single player campain and the crappy storie. But Halo 2 is a great game especialy in multi player this is one of the best multi player i have ever played. The xobx live feature is awesome like 8 on 8 slayer and capture the flag is great. The weapons are preety cool some if the old weapons are still there but minorly tweaked like the needler, plasma pistol, and the plasma rifle. And now the Energy sword can be used along with the carbine and ion cannon. The humans have the pistol (peice of crap), the battle rilfe, the SMG (dual weild), the rocket, and the shotgun. In Halo 2 you can duel weild wich is helpfull at times but on multi player you would be to busy to use duel weilds. You can also hijack vehicles now which is preety helpfull incase a stupid ghost is on your butt. So basicly Halo 2 is fun and strong in multi player but is very weak and shallow in campain mode so you should buy it but dont expect much