This really is the best fps i have played so far, I only wish that it would some how come to the playstation 3 or even playstation 2. The single player campaign is made even better by having the co-op option. But what makes this game stand out from the rest of the pack is the multiplayer aspect. Its always fun to link two xboxs together for 8 player madness on bloodgultch with only sniper rifles and rocket launchers. And to hear the screams of my mate next door as he is shot out of his banshee with a perfectly targeted rocket is awesome.
By Madskillz999 | Review Date: Dec 23, 2005 | XBOX
I'm finally ready with the review of this awesome game! First off, this is obviously the sequel to the hugely popular initial Halo game. You are Master Chief, a space marine who is sent out to battle the enemies. You... Read Full Review
Halo 2 is a worthy sequel to Halo. While the story does lack in some parts, overall, the game is still excellent, one of the best games ever. To get the bad points out of the way, i didn't like the single player campaig... Read Full Review