So much hype for a game that's not even good.

User Rating: 4.6 | Halo 2 XBOX
All I can really say is, wow, the game that all these people have been hyping up about, and I am one of them also, is actually a disgusting game. Why? Let me point that out to you. The graphics on the game are the one of the only 2 things that make this game stand-out as an 'OK' game. The only problem I have, is that some of the grass and other what-not's in the area could've been done better, plus, what makes me mad from Halo 1 which wasn't fixed in Halo 2, is that if you play multiplayer, look at the person your playing with in the screen and tell him/her to punch something, and notice, it doesn't even hit the object your aiming for. That's pretty disappointing. Other then that, the graphics are well detailed, especially the guns. Environments could've been better, though. Sound = horrible. That's all I need to say. It has basically the same tunes it did from Halo 1, plus other annoying ones. The sound's don't get me hyped up at ALL, and are very annoying in every stand-point. The only thing that is considerable about this game, is to own it to play mutliplayer, which is great. Other then that, if your looking for a good single player shooter, turn around because this game is gonna waste every bit of your time. Trust me, I've played good single-player shooters, and this game just made me want to return it. As for tilt, the only thing you need to reconsider is to play multiplayer with your friends, or play it on Xbox Live. Otherwise, you'll be pissed at why you bought it. Overall, this game wasn't worth all the hype, and should not be considered into your video game collections.