User Rating: 10 | Halo 2 XBOX
WHAT KINDS OF A GAME IS THIS?who ever made it should ban it from the market.i almost died when i first. if you had asked me in04 what my favourite game was, i would of told you kingdom hearts but this game is unbelievable. this game is F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S.everything about it is perfcect from the gameplay, praphics,sounds. IT'S A GREAT GAME AND I THINK EVERY SINGLE GAMERT HAS TO PLAY IT.i was addicted to this game.i still haven't gotten over.IT'S THE ONLY GAME I EVER THINK ABOUT.i can't wait for the sequel.WHEN'S IT COMING OUT?it will take me years to finally get over it.EXCELLENT.I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT,ILOOOOOVVVVEEEE IIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!