If you are a fan of FPS games...forget that...ANY game...HALO 2 rules all!

User Rating: 9.7 | Halo 2 XBOX
For years I"ve been waiting for a game to grab my attention and provide me with hours of non-stop, pure fun like the original HALO. Many tried, but nothing could even come close. Finally, after years of waiting HALO 2 comes out and now my faith in video games is restored. It's great to have a team like Bungie actually take time, and pay attention to details to make a great game somehow even better. I'm sick of developers rushing to just throw a game on the market, and it just ends up being a waste to video game fans EVERYWHERE! But not HALO 2, you can definately tell things were done right. First of all, the campaign mode may be a little shorter then everybody realized, but the traditional FPS don't last much longer then 10-15 hours. Not to mention we are all used to the HALO gameplay so we're able to pick up on things a little quicker and stroll through the levels. If you want it to take more time then just set it on a higher difficulty. I haven't got the chance to beat the campaign yet because I always have people in my room wanting to play Multiplayer, not that it's a bad thing though. I've noticed the story in the campaign so far is realy intriguing, and it gets your attention right off the get go! This is one of the only games that I don't get bored and just wish the cutscenes would go away. I look forward to actually sitting down a little more by myself whenever I can find the time to complete the campaign. Now to the multiplayer. All I can say is WOW! There really is no other game like it. LIVE is done beautifully, and I love the skill matching capability. This may bug some people, but I like playing with competitors on my skill level. It makes me a better player. I've never understood why people like padding their stats by playing against people far inferior to them. If you are so good, then prove it on your level of play. Bungie and Microsoft did a good job of eliminating most of the aspects of cheating. I also have to say that the guests option is awesome. It's fun to bring three of my buddies on and take on others. It really makes the hours go by fast. The graphics are amazing in this game, sound is better then the original, and the gameplay is more fluid. I like how they made it a little more fast paced also...it really keeps everything involved in the game at all times. Some downfalls I saw were the capability to pistol whip while duel wielding. I hate the fact that you lose one of your guns. I just wish you could pistol whip with both of them. Also, it appears to seem that honing (sp?) in with the sword is a little inconsistent. Most of the time it's one swipe, one kill. Other times the guys just jump over me and I swing and miss. This could all be just my skill level, but nevertheless it's frustrating. These are just minor complaints and don't take away from the value of the game at all. This is truly a must buy for any gamer.