Best FPS one any console, puts most PC shooters to shame.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 2 XBOX
By far the best game on Xbox, and the best shooter on any of the other platforms. Halo 2 takes the FPS genre to a whole new level that other games can;t even duplicate correctly. Bungie is on to something here and you know it will only get better. We were all suprised to be playing as the *censored* but I really didnt mind. The others are so cool, it doesnt matter. Everyone was crazy about MP and its better than anything out in the market today. They take all the great arcade styles (BF, CS, MoH) and make it into Halo's own. I can understand the bad rap this game gets b/c of its popularity, but it is special for a reason. I have heard it is the preschool version of a FPS, but anyone who says that hasnt played th MoH series. Bungie has implemented the stat tracking feauture and it takes bragging rights to a new level. Gone are the days of retelling of your glory games, BAM! shove them right in your friends face. Proof you did what you said you did. I wont touch on audio or visuals b/c they need to intro. I have the HALO 2 OST in my car and I cant get enough. Everything else is beyond my expectations.