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User Rating: 9.7 | Halo 2 XBOX
Ive got to say, Halo 2 is one of the most anticipated games of all times, at leat i think so. There are one a couple things that stick out, that would keep me form giving it a perferct 10. The first thing is in the cut scenes, there are little glitchy parts that occur every now and than, but its really nothing serious. The little glitches also happen in the multi-player, when u trun around real fast. There is one other thing that could have been different, that would be the voice setup, i think that the could have left out where u have to press the white button, yeah it may me realisitc, but it can be a pain when u are in the heat of battle and u cant get to the white button. Thoes are the only two gripes that i have for the whole game, if it werent for them i would have game it a perferct 10.