A very good game, everyone that hjas an Xbox should have this game.

User Rating: 9.7 | Halo 2 XBOX
This was the game of the year by most of the top critics. This game is so fun, that a lot of people bought an Xbox just for it. This game has been bought by over 3 million people world wide. The xbox live play is great. I have played like over a 100 hours just on xbox live. If u dont have xbl, this game is still really fun through single played, multi-player, or coop. The single player story is great. That is all I will say so I don't ruin it for u. You might want to beat Halo 1 first just so u get what is happening. But my favorite part of this game is the XBL play. I highly recommend that you buy this game and get XBL with it!!!