An awesome game, but we all expected so much more
One thing I hated: in the cinematics, it would take a second for the skins to actually appear. That ruined the effect entirely. I think they said like... it would reduce loading times, or something... but there are still loading times, sometimes huge ones for multiplayer, and if there HAD been SP loading times, the game may have seemed longer. Bad move, bungie. At least it looks great once it gets going. Sound was awesome, too.
Now, multiplayer... I don't even have Xbox Live, and I love this game's multiplayer so much. It's really well balanced, and it's just so much fun to go on a rampage with a vehicle. Until, of course, you get hijacked, or rocketed, or whatever. But then you find another vehicle. And doing the anti-tank feels very rewarding when it works... Oh, and there's non-vehicle gaming as well. Dual wielding, sniping, machine gunning, swording, grenading, etc... it's every bit as awesome here as we all expected.
Value is down because it's got a hyped price.