This game has its great points and bad points but overall its ok of a game...
User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3: ODST X360
I bought ODST just for the campaign mode since I follow the story line. The story line was ok but a little confusing at first. The game play on the other hand is completely boring and repetitive. All the maps/levels looked the same because you were going back in the story line then forward then back again so your hitting the same maps several times. It was quite boring and a waste of time. I really enjoy playing online though and it makes for a great break from the campaign mode when you get stuck on a level....The types of online play is great especially if your a noob cause there are beginner trainer servers. And there is also social servers for large groups which makes game play especially exciting when playing with your online friends or just your buddies at home. If you are not into the story line I would defiantly just stick with Halo 3 because like I said before, its not worth the money...