Easily the best Halo game in the series. The great story keeps you wanting more, Firefight is Highly addictive.
There were times during the story, that were very emotional, as the rookie try's to uncover the mystery of what happened to his squad mates, alone in the dark, raining, destroyed city of New Mombasa. Firefight is extremely fun, its better than most similar game types, like Horde from gears of war. The fact that duel wielding is taken out makes the game feel really different for the better.
The Campaign feels massive. At times while walking through the city, in the distance Phantoms can be seen flying over certain parts of the city, sometimes over you. If it spots you it will drop of some covenant soldiers. Halo 3: ODST is amazing.
Although, I'm highly praising this game there is a few cons. Well one major con, you cannot play as your ODST in versus multiplayer. Now that being said, one can't really complain due to the fact that, the second disc contains Halo 3's complete multiplayer experience. If you do not own Halo 3, this is a deal that cannot be ignored. Even if you own Halo 3, $60 dollars for what could possibly be the best Xbox 360 game yet. You can't pass that up.