Entertaining, addictive, but a few problems.
The multiplayer is the really addictive part. However, to get the full multiplayer experience, you will either have to get Xbox Live and a few Microsoft Points, DLC Maps. In Custom Games you can invite friends to the game and have any gametype you want to play, as long as it is within the limits of the variables that you can change in the gametype options. In Matchmaking, you are matched with other players searching in the same playlist. In ranked, it will match you up with opponents of similar rank. However, you can not have guests in ranked. In Social, you do not have a visible rank, so it's a little less competitive, also, you can have guests in this playlist, so you don't have to have extra accounts for when your friends come over to play. Now, a few of the problems I was talking about in the review deck... Well, for one thing, it seems more laggy than most other Xbox 360 games, also, the spawn system isn't very good. Some people may say that the game is bad because it has a bad community or something like that, but you can't really blame the game itself for that, can you? Also, it seems that the developers do not punish boosters and cheaters that well. Boosting is when you earn things in game through illigitimate means. Such as going into a playlist with your friends and a bunch of guests and only killing the guests to bring up your K/D Ratio. Your kills divided by your deaths. Even with these problems I still keep coming back to it. I am glad to say that this game deserves at least a 9/10. Also, no game ever deserves a 10/10. 10/10 means that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the game and that every single person in the world would like the game. Which is true about no game. Thank you for reading.