If you have a 360 you MUST have this game. Halo 3 is awesome and is worth every penny that you spend on it.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Halo 3 is simply one of the best games I played out there.From its addicting campaign to its awesome multiplayer to its forge system. You can even play this game with a buddy throughout the campaign online or offline! But when it comes to multiplayer this game is the best, it has tons of modes to play online. And forge is the best level editor out there. And after you're done playing campaign of multiplayer you can see it all again using the theater mode. You can also customize you're character for matchmaking. During campaign mode you will be able to collect the infamous skulls, which will help make things a little tougher on you put will get you some awesome achievement points. Talking about achievements this game is one of the easiest games to get 1000/1000 Gamer points. Halo 3 was worth the wait for a very good reason.